Excuse MyDust

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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

My name is Annette, and I am an Optimist.

                    Optimism-the tendency to expect the best and see the best in all things

I have been an optimist for as long as I can remember. I am pretty sure I came out of the womb saying "this is great! It's a little bright in here, and I am covered in goo but this is awesome! This life thing will be great!"  Growing up, was no different. I tended to see the bright side of situations. Even in the really hard times, because I was always sure there was one.  It seems no matter what was happening my heart always jumped to the positive. Being positive has served me well. I enjoy life and always know there is even  better things to come. 

There is a downside to being an optimist. I hate to admit it. When you lean toward the positive consistently  people don't take you seriously. Oh poor, sweet, naive, little Annette. There she goes, not understanding how bad things are.  Especially people that have known you for a while. I have been told on many occasions that I look at the world through rose colored glasses. People get irritated and think that I am "not getting it!" As if I don't see the severity of the situation. People have treated me as if I can't handle reality. Like I sweep bad things under the rug and ignore how awful things are in order to save myself from the cruel reality of the situation. Or the worst, they call me insincere.(You can't be that happy all the time and mean it!)  If you don't break down and fall apart when bad things happen you are treated as if you really are clueless or that you don't care. I care. And if you really knew me and know my heart you would know its breaking when bad things happen. But the fact that its breaking doesn't change the fact that in the midst of bad things God will be there. Where there is God, there is hope.

 Believe me, I have had my share of life's little surprises. From my parents divorce as a child to all the crazy things life throws at you as teenager then as an adult. I do "get it", but I don't want those things to suck the joy out of the life God has given me. There just may be a positive in the situation if you look for it. The old saying "The glass is half full" is one of my favorites because it is the best demonstration of what optimism is.  It's all in how you look at it sometimes. There can be situations that seem hopeless. But if you look at it a different way it can change the whole story. Like the glass half full, (as I see it) it is the same amount of water in the glass it is just viewed from a different perspective.   

Optimists also have the "We can do that!" mentality. Which is another eye roller I get.I think anything is possible if you want it bad enough. From small things to great big things. At times I have the tendency to  think big. Yes, I know, at times too big. (never)  Like going to a zoo then coming home and saying "HEY! Lets have our own zoo! We can buy 20000 acres and fill it with all kinds of exotic animals and have people from all over the world come see our white faced saki monkey!!"     With that attitude comes ideas that really are possible if you want to go for it. You won't get there if you don't ever even dare to dream big or little! I don't mind getting the occasional  eye roll with that one. My husband is a big dreamer and he gets the eye rolls at times as well. He can  accomplish anything he sets his mind to. Because he allows himself to think big and not chase away all the thoughts that may seem impossible. I love that!

So do optimists ever get discouraged? Ummmmm, yeah! Being optimistic doesn't  mean that you never have moments of despair and hopelessness. Sometimes there seems there really is no good side to a situation. Frustration can come in and feel like it will never let go. Being hopeful doesn't mean you'll never feel hopeless. And it is true that when I feel that way I tend to hide it.  I don't want to bring others down. Especially when I know it will pass and I will be up again in no time because at some point the optimist will get up and say, it may impossible but I'm gonna try anyway, ya never know!  

I feel the need to speak up for optimists everywhere. To tell the world we understand that the world can be a hard and ugly place. To let them know we understand pain. We can't help it. We are created to see the positive and that's where our hearts go. So when you meet someone who is positive know this, they do understand reality and have a big heart so give em' a break! Maybe they will be able to help you see the bright side where you didn't know there was one!

Does this mean all my blogs will be positive? Probably not. I love a good rant from time to time! ;)

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