Excuse MyDust

This blog is a work in progress :) Please bear with me while I figure it out..all the "how to's" I will soon learn to add gadgets, side items and link you to amazing sites! Enjoy!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

One door closes.....

You've all heard the saying. One door closes, another opens. Well one door has closed for me this year. After homeschooling since 1993, I am officially "done".  Our first two children have graduated, moved away and have gotten married.  My 15 year old is the  last  to finish homeschool is now enrolled  at our local college! I'm happy for her. She is extremely smart and a super hard worker. She is enjoying her classes and is doing well. 

So here I am. Looking at a closed door. There is no lock. I can open it at any time and waltz right though and begin whatever adventure awaits me on the other side. Problem is I want a peep hole and there isn't one. I want to see whats behind door #1 and I am blocked. The worst thing is people keep asking me, "so what are you gonna do now?"  My head screams "I DON'T KNOW!", but I smile and say "I don't know, so many opportunities."  I stand in the school supply aisle and miss buying new notebooks, pens and erasers. I buy them anyway just to feel better. 

I started wondering if any other homeschool moms feel a bit lost after its over. You pour your time and energy into it daily for years. I think it must be what people feel like that spend 20 years at their job then retire. Its a place where I haven't been been before and its confusing. I looked online for articles on homeschooling moms that have come to the end of the journey school wise. I was curious if they came to it jumping up and down and singing "HALLELUJAH!!  Or, it they were crying in the school suppy aisle.  I couldn't find any. I've decided its because they have all found something grand to do and are off on another quest. So in that respect it gave me encouragement. There's a lot of time now to figure out what I want to do! I know God has a plan for my life. He has encouraged me and given me the best husband in the world that has worked hard so I could be home and school the kids and is supportive now in whatever I do so I know God has a plan for me beyond homeschooling.

So I am ready to open that new door and see whats on the other side. I hope there is cheesecake. ;)

1 comment:

  1. ANNETTE!!! You're kinda back at it... yaaaay! Now let's get you back on that twitter thing...hahahaha
