Excuse MyDust

This blog is a work in progress :) Please bear with me while I figure it out..all the "how to's" I will soon learn to add gadgets, side items and link you to amazing sites! Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Me?! Blog?! (Gulp)

There are bloggers, and there are blogger wanna-be's. I am the latter. I have wanted to blog for a while now but it's a bit intimidating.... To write about whatever is on your mind or in your life at any given moment is hard enough but then the added pressure of people actually reading what you write....well that's just down right scary. 

Lately though I have come to the realization that I like to talk. (Well, that I have known for quite some time actually) but the thought that writing was not so different than talking got me to thinking BLOG! That way, I could "talk" and write and it may be quite fun!

So I'm thinking that I'll blog. Yep. I'm a blogger. I blog. 

So join me on my journey into blog land! This could be fun! Maybe I will step from wanna-be to outright blogger! **Insert dramatic music here**


  1. Hurray! I look forward to your new adventure. :-)

  2. ANNETTE!!!

    What the heck?! It's MAY - WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO POST AGAIN?

    I blog too :)

  3. Annette...I'm still waiting...hehehehe...
